
sMedia is an award-winning Canadian company based in Regina, SK. The company helps automotive dealership convert more leads and sell more cars by converting dealer's anonymous traffic, all without needing their information.

January - April 2019

UX design • UI design • graphic design • project management • software design • app design • desktop • mobile • Adobe XD • Adobe Illustrator • inVision • wireframing • prototyping • site mapping • user research • user testing

Problem Solving:

The dashboard interface was outdated, and the user experience was confusing, clunky, and not at all a joy to use.

For this project, I interviewed everyone in the office with a standardized set of questions to find pain points and see if they had any suggestions to improve functionality. From there, I moved on to developing user personas and site maps, wireframes in Adobe Illustrator, and then high fidelity prototypes using Adobe XD. Because XD was still relatively new at this time, I opted to create my clickable prototypes using InVison, and submitted this link for user testing around the office.

Once my update was completed, dashboard navigation was improved, unused features were removed, and user requested features were implemented. Overall, tasks were completed with fewer clicks/pages required than the previous version.




Twins & Co.